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Wellbeing Analyzer

A wellbeing analyzer that [only] supports sleep analysis (just for me!) to track and improve sleep patterns.

Wellbeing Analyzer screenshot


The Wellbeing Analyzer is a personal project I built to track and analyze my sleep patterns from my Garmin watch. It provides insights on sleep quality and consistency. Although it's currently focused on sleep, I believe this can be easily adapted to other wellbeing metrics in the future.

Key Features

  • Sleep cycle detection and analysis
  • Correlation analysis with daily activities
  • Long-term trend visualization
  • Sleep quality scoring algorithm

Challenges & Solutions

Processing noisy sensor data from wearable devices was the main challenge. I implemented signal processing techniques including moving averages and outlier detection to clean the data before analysis.



Tech Stack

PythonPandasNumPyMatplotlibSeabornTime Series AnalysisData Visualization



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