
A collection of projects I've built throughout my journey as a developer and hobbyist.

Heida screenshot



An AI command center that unifies 220+ AI models with your own API keys, featuring document intelligence, interactive tools, and persistent knowledge graphs.

Next.jsSupabaseFastAPIDockerRedisVector EmbeddingsTypeScriptTailwindCSS
MNIST Digit Classifier screenshot

Neural network implementation from scratch with 98.32% accuracy on the MNIST handwritten digit dataset.

PythonNumPyPyTorchNeural NetworksMachine LearningComputer Vision

A hybrid retrieval system combining semantic search and BM25 with context enrichment, achieving (a naive) 2.92/3.0 average accuracy on complex queries.

PythonNLPSentence TransformersBM25OpenAI APIPandasNumPyNLTK
UBC Metrics screenshot

UBC Metrics


Course difficulty prediction system with 4.84% error rate based on historical grade distributions.

PythonPandasScikit-learnSeabornNumPyNLPWeb Scraping

Redis C++

In Progress

A C++ library for Redis that provides a high-performance, thread-safe, and easy-to-use interface for interacting with Redis databases.

C++RedisCMakeGitHub Actions
Wellbeing Analyzer screenshot

A wellbeing analyzer that [only] supports sleep analysis (just for me!) to track and improve sleep patterns.

PythonPandasNumPyMatplotlibSeabornTime Series AnalysisData Visualization

Chess Engine C++

In Progress

A chess engine written in C++ that implements minimax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning for efficient move calculation.

C++ChessGame DevelopmentAlgorithmsData Structures

More Projects

Additional smaller projects and experiments can be found on myGitHub profile.